Scatter plot of the monthly chl - a concentrations versus SST (R2 = 0.2181, P < 0.05) |
Scatter plot of the monthly chl - a concentrations versus wind speed (R2 = 01931, P < 005) |
原文请点击: #135, http://www.lingzis.com/journal%20article.htm
HaiJun Ye, Muhsan Ali Kalhoro, Jing Sun, Danling Tang* , 2018, “Chlorophyll blooms induced by tropical cyclone Vardah in the Bay of Bengal”. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, Vol. 47 (07), July 2018, pp. 1383-1390.
原文请点击: #131, http://www.lingzis.com/journal%20article.htm
通过分析MODIS 卫星遥感图像,获得的海表温度数据以及实际的马林鱼捕获数据,并应用经验累积分布频率分析方法研究了两者之间的关系。研究表明海水温度是影响马林鱼繁殖的一个十分重要的因素。马林鱼的潜在栖息地可以通过海表温度的变化而确定。海洋表面温度为马林鱼的分布提供了一个很好的指标,可以用于初步检测斯里兰卡海域的潜在马林鱼渔场
Seasonal changes of SST in Sri Lankan waters.Land masks are marked in ash colour
Thushani Suleka Madhubhashini Elepathage, TANG Danling* WANG Sufen, 2018, Abundance of marlins in relation to sea surface Temperature in Sri Lankan ocean. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Scienceand Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2018, 10(3).
原文请点击: #134, http://www.lingzis.com/journal%20article.htm